Every major phone carrier provides “Unlimited” plans. This naming scheme refers to the limitless call minutes and texting, which have evolved into today’s standard. Most plans differ in the amount of data included per month and the caveats for its usage. For example, there are usually separate allotments for regular data use and for mobile hotspot use. Additionally, the quality of video-streaming varies between plans, as 1080p HD streaming uses more data than 480p SD video. Another variable is the international coverage included in the plan. With so many options, which one is the best for your company phone lines?

As a consumer, it’s easy to figure out your average data usage and pick a plan accordingly. But when you’re managing hundreds, or even thousands of phones, the real challenge begins. Rather than determining the best-fitting plans for each of your corporate lines, it is tempting to choose the biggest unlimited plans without second thought. However, as we will discover in this article, the smarter approach is to determine which plans best fit your data needs – your budget will thank you for it.

What Factors Should You Consider when Choosing an Unlimited Plan?

For many businesses, unlimited plans are a great, cost-efficient option; the question is, how does one decide between the available plans? Unlimited plans each come with a specified allotment of data. Using more than this amount may result in overage fees or speed deprioritization, which can have a detrimental effect to company employees who need to stay connected on the go. Trying to utilize video calling, streaming, or file sharing under limited speeds results in long wait times, decreased productivity, and frustration. This is especially noteworthy for company plans that utilize a group pool of data rather than separately for each line, as everyone will suffer these effects rather than the responsible line. Some carriers have costly overage fees once you’ve used up all your data – generally at a cost of $15 per extra GB. These details are typically located within the plan’s fine print, making it easy to overlook these potential charges to your budget. Therefore, the biggest advantage to analyzing your users’ data and selecting the appropriate plans is to avoid such consequences.

Without watching your company’s user data, it’s easy to accidentally rack up extra charges. In particular, those traveling internationally may receive extraordinary charges when they go over the minimally allotted international data. Most unlimited plans allow text, call and data in Mexico and Canada, however the data cap is significantly smaller. Unlimited plans typically do not include other international call or text without an additional fee, so company members who are frequently abroad may need to consider other options. If you have many international users, be sure to research international plans and day-passes thoroughly.

How Will the Release of 5G Impact Wireless Plans?

The upcoming launch of 5G data raises additional questions on data usage and costs. Plans including 5G data allotment have just begun rolling out for those with compatible devices. Verizon notably offers a promotion for the launch of 5G with limited time access to 5G for free; after the promotion, 5G data will cost an additional $10 per month. Until then 5G becomes the industry standard, it’s best to focus on the regular 4G plans unless your company plans on providing employees with expensive 5G-compatible devices.

This is all to say that blindly choosing the biggest and best unlimited plan for all corporate lines can ultimately cost your company money. While it may be tempting, it can be a waste since users utilize different amounts of data. It is more cost-efficient to allocate plans for each line depending on its average data usage, so that your budget will not suffer from unexpected overage fees nor will you pay for excess data. For a smaller company with only 20 corporate wireless devices, keeping track of this data may not be too difficult. But what about those with hundreds or even thousands of devices?

GoExceed Will Help You Determine Which Plan Is Best for Your Business. 

At GoExceed, we do all of this hard work for you. GoExceed’s Solve(X) Suite analyzes data usage for each company phone line and automatically switches users to the most cost-efficient plan. Our analysts determine which plans best fit each user based on their monthly and daily data usages, and work to avoid unforeseen overages or charges to your bill. Your company will save money on mobile expenses, and the best part is that you don’t have to lift a finger.

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